Two friends tackle the 100 best novels of all time. We'll read, consider, discuss, argue... and then come to our own conclusions, and rank them accordingly. Are you with us?

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Rabbit, Run by John Updike

Monday, March 14, 2011

Run, Rabbit, Run!

Rabbit, Run by John Updike was not really the book I was expecting. No, it's not a novel akin to Watership Down. It's also not really a story about a running basketball player (the only clue I could glean from my copy of the book). It is, in fact, a book about a man, Rabbit Angstrom, trying to escape his suffocating 1950s suburban life, and not really succeeding.

Readability: It's an easy book to read. My one problem was that parts failed to keep my attention and some descriptions just went on too long.

Enjoyability: This is one of those novels that for the longest time meander about and never seem to get to the point. That being said, I'm still not sure what the point is other than living in the 'burbs sucks, you can never really escape your family and don't go too crazy when you have your quarter life crisis.

Favorite quote(s):
"he knows so well the propulsive power of a wrong, the way a man battles against it and each futile blow sucks the air emptier until it seems the whole frame of blood and bone must burst in a universe that can be such a vacuum."

"You do things and do things and nobody really has a clue."

"What is this? He has a sensation of touching glass. He doesn't know if they are talking about nothing or making code for the deepest meanings."

"...hate suits him better than forgiveness. Immersed in hate, he doesn't have to do anything; he can be paralyzed, and the rigidity of hatred makes a kind of shelter for him."

Favorite character: Rabbit Angstrom. He is an interesting character, and a large part of what makes Updike's writing so good. On the outside Rabbit is a real asshole. He's selfish, abandons his family, treats most people around him like they are below him, is sexist and is generally an all around not so good guy. On this inside though Rabbit isn't so bad. He's trying to do right by everyone, even if he fails miserably at it.

Least favorite character: I don't know that I have one. I hated most of the characters in this book at some point but Updike manages complicate issues to a point where I don't feel that hatred is justified by the end of the book.

Social impact: Apparently this novel was considered pretty racy when it first came out. My copy of the novel states that, "Rabbit, Run is a shocking novel-not only because of its sexual candor, but because it challenges an image of life still cherished in America." I agree with this but apparently people in the 1960s couldn't handle it.

Greatest impact: There's a horrifying scene. You'll know it when you get there. Although, it's written so well that I'm slightly afraid it could happen to me someday...

Recommended for: People who like a good 'ol American Novel. Anti-American novel? Whatever.

Overall: I liked it, though not in the way I expected to. The characters are really well written. Also, Updike is kinda a hottie in this picture. Too bad he's dead...

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