Two friends tackle the 100 best novels of all time. We'll read, consider, discuss, argue... and then come to our own conclusions, and rank them accordingly. Are you with us?

Up Next:

Rabbit, Run by John Updike

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Let the Judgement Begin!

Being judgmental has to be one of my favorite past times. I mean, who doesn't enjoy feeling superior and uppity based upon your favorite movies, foods, music, mustaches or books? The problem I typically run into is while I know my opinion is the best, I can't always define why. Clearly a handlebar mustache is superior to a pencil mustache, but why? Is it thickness, attitude, bristle-factor? This is a question that can never be answered but we can attempt to define why one book is better than another. The following is a brief list of criteria. It will likely change because, lets be honest, I can't make permanent decisions on anything. If anyone out there in the labyrinth of the internet has any suggestions please, please let us know!

Enjoyability (is that a word?):
Favorite quote(s):
Favorite character:
Least favorite character:
Social impact:
Greatest impact:
Recommended for:


Also, we want to do some kind of review of movies adapted from these books. More to come on that...maybe...if I get around to it....

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